Three Things – 8/28/23
This week we’re covering a variety of ways to support our schools as well as giving you a handy cheat sheet of the most important SDW links.
This week we’re covering a variety of ways to support our schools as well as giving you a handy cheat sheet of the most important SDW links.
It should come as no surprise to anyone who has been following recent events in our district that there are numerous vacancies to fill. We in the Alliance are all parents in this district. We all want our kids to receive a high quality education. And we know that first and foremost, that means supporting our teachers and staff. We want prospective teachers to know that they can count on the support of the Alliance if they choose to come here.
In the third edition of Three Things, we’re covering Parent Satisfaction Surveys, a summary of the 7/19/23 Board Meeting, and Teacher Wish Lists.