AEW Blog
Open Letter to Dr. Sebert & the Board
Good afternoon, Dr. Sebert, Dr. Piacsek and SDW Board members,
First, I’d just like to say, “Happy Trans Day of Visibility!” I hope you’re all finding at least some small way to celebrate inclusion and acceptance today.
Open Letter to the Board & Superintendent
Dr. Sebert, Dr. Piacsek and Members of the Board,
Regarding the “SDW Stakeholder Communication”:
How dare you?
How dare you try to throw the teachers and staff of this district under the bus for the way YOU are choosing to implement policy?
Open Letter to the Superintendent
Mr. Sebert –
Stop gaslighting the “stakeholders” and hiding behind a policy that is being implemented in a discriminatory manner at YOUR direction.
Open Letter to the Teaching and Learning Committee
Please respect our intellectual freedoms and allow our students freer access to challenging ideas. Please maintain the current consideration process.
Does SDW Want Transparency? Or Censorship?
What’s most concerning is the ease for someone to censor material based on bigoted beliefs under the guise of protecting children, thus removing material geared toward marginalized students without the public being the wiser. A parent may censor their own child, but that’s where the line needs to be drawn. No one should limit anyone else’s kids simply because they disagree with the content.
“An egregious assault on the protection of intellectual freedom”
I have lived in this community for over twenty years. I have raised two children who attended this school district. I grew up in a small town 25 minutes from here just over the county line. We had a tiny school library and a tiny public library. But I was fortunate to have the benefit of an aunt who began her professional career as a children’s section librarian and who worked her way up to eventually be the director of the entire public library system of a large metropolitan city. That aunt passed away this year. But she left a legacy […]
Navigating Special Education
Part 1 in a series of articles sharing one family’s experiences, information they’ve learned, and the resources available to families and children.
Alliance Statement on the 1-11-23 Board Meeting
The Alliance for Education in Waukesha is deeply disturbed by the actions that the School District of Waukesha Board took at its monthly meeting on Wednesday night. [View meeting at ] Although we are heartened that the Board chose not to force a unilateral business casual dress code onto SDW staff which would have made their day-to-day jobs much more physically difficult and painful, we are saddened by how their actions have sought to single out, alienate and/or out LGBTQ+ students in the district and force SDW staff to be put in the middle in notifying SDW parents of students’ […]
Bullying Awareness
She focuses harder on the video playing in the classroom when her chair is kicked from behind. She hears the muffled laughter. Tears sting, face is getting hotter. Her chair is jerked back then slid side to side, the legs scrapping across the floor.Why doesn’t the teacher do something? She turns around and begins hitting the boy’s legs. The laughter continues but he releases her chair. She can see her teacher standing in the back corner, eyes focused on the TV at the front of the room. With Bullying Awareness Day approaching (October 11, 2022), we are reminded of how […]
Bullying Fast Facts
Bullying Awareness Day is tomorrow, October 11, 2022. Learn the facts about prevalence, intervention, and prevention.